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RFS: Python-MySQL Web Client


I'm looking for a sponsor for a new package, webQuery.
I'd appreciate any and all feedback. I've posted this RFS on
debian-mentors several times without response. If posting it here is NOT
an acceptable alternative please let me know and I won't bother this
list again.

Test drive it at: http://www.webquery.org/

('guest' user does not require a password. It's a slow server, just a
DSL connection, so please be patient.)

 webQuery is a collection of python cgi scripts that can access
 MySQL databases. These scripts will allow viewing, searching 
 and editing of tables. If tables are configured IAW certain
 rules table relationships are supported in such a way that 
 linking of tables is automated and a table hierarchy is emulated.
 Features include: Combining fields for reports, exporting reports,
 report sorting, fulltext searching, creating and editing records, 
 multiuser tracking, multi language configurable, simplified privileges,
 saved queries, query picklists, navagation bar.
 It's been tested and found to work on Mac OSX, Win98, and Debian Linux,
but should work on any system configured to execute cgi's (cookie
support is required).

Packages can be found at:

or at: http://www.webquery.org/debian/


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