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Correct location of .py and .pyc files

Hi All,

I need to package a Python application that depends on multiple modules.
I've been wondering about the correct location for the modules (both .py and
.pyc files) in Debian. FHS states that architecture independent files should
go under /usr/share/packagename, which was my first guess at where to put
them.  However, I checked some packages in the repository and they put those
files in /usr/lib/packagename (!?). What is, after all, the blessed location
for these files?

Another point is what should be done with the "compiled" versions? Should the
package installation scripts pre-compile the modules for faster execution?


Marco Paganini          | UNIX / Linux / Networking
paganini@paganini.net   | PGP: http://www.paganini.net/pgp/
http://www.paganini.net | Magnus Frater te spectat...

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