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Re: What should we do now?

* Jérôme Marant <jerome.marant@free.fr> [011017 08:31]:
> Matthias Klose <m@klose.in-berlin.de> writes:
> Quoted from Gregor:
> "
> Python package maintainers should then change their packages to build
> python1.5-* and python2.1-* packages (python2.0 if needed), and make
> them depend on python1.5-base etc. That would remove the need for
> versioned dependencies.
> "
> What is the exact policy?
> Should all executable scripts begin with #!/usr/bin/env python1.5 (for 1.5)
> and #!/usr/bin/env python2.1 (for 2.1)?

For the sake of the consistency of the Debian system, I would say that
all scripts in Debian packages currently should not use /usr/bin/env,
but instead provide the direct path to the executable (i.e.
#!/usr/bin/python1.5 etc.).

Otherwise, you might break up all the carefully provided package
dependencies by installing a new Python version in /usr/local:

Say, you would install 2.1.2 in /usr/local. Now if /usr/local/bin would
precede /usr/bin in your path, then "#!/usr/bin/env python2.1" would
call up 2.1.2. Still, if a script would depend on something like
"python2.1-base, python2.1-imaging", it would break in this case, since
python2.1-imaging isn't available in this 2.1.2 installation.

Therefore, the most reliable way currently is to use
#!/usr/bin/pythonX.Y in all Debian-provided scripts.


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