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Re: Second report: latest python in unstable broke my packages

Donovan Baarda <abo@minkirri.apana.org.au> writes:

> I didn't think the new packages were using alternatives?

This is the first thing I checked:

chinon:~$ ls -al /usr/bin/python
lrwxr-xr-x    1 root     root           24 oct 16 12:14 /usr/bin/python -> /etc/alternatives/python

> > >   I discovered that /usr/bin/python is pointing to python2.1, so
> > running those
> > >   python 1.5 scripts makes them fail.
> [...]
> looking at the current unstable Packages file, it looks like the updates to 
> python2.1 are not in there yet. If they are, then they haven't been done as 

They are indeed:

chinon:~$ apt-cache search python2.1
idle-python2.1 - An IDE for Python (v2.1) using Tkinter
python2.1-base - An interactive object-oriented scripting language (version 2.1)
python2.1-dev - Header files and a static library for Python (v2.1)
python2.1-doc - Documentation for the scripting language Python (html format).
python2.1-elisp - Emacs-lisp python-mode for the scripting language Python (v2.1)
python2.1-examples - Examples for the scripting language Python (v2.1)
python2.1-gdbm - GNU dbm database support for Python (v2.1)
python2.1-mpz - Multiple-precision arithmetic support for Python (v2.1)
python2.1-regrtest - Regression test for the Python (v2.1) distribution
python2.1-tk - Tkinter - Writing Tk applications with Python (v2.1)
python2.1-xmlbase - XML support included in Python (v2.1)

Jérôme Marant <jerome.marant@free.fr>

CV consultable à l'adresse :  http://marant.org

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