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Re: Python 2.0 in Debian (was: Re: [Python-Dev] PEPS, version control, release intervals)

Gregor Hoffleit <gregor@mediasupervision.de> writes:

> Debian's unstable tree currently includes both Python 1.5.2 as well as 2.0.
> Python 1.5.2 things are packaged as python-foo-bar, while Python 2.0 is
> available as python2-foo-bar. It's possible to install either 1.5.2 or 2.0
> or both of them.

  My first question: what is the condition for getting rid of these
  python2- packages ? IIRC, since we have both python versions in
  Debian, we need to have python packages for each version of python?

  However, can we envisage to have some day a unique version of python, i.e.
  Python 2.1 since GPL-compatible, and rename back to python- those modules
  (1.5 would be removed).

> The current setup shows a preference for the Python 1.5.2 packages:
> python1.5.2 is linked to /usr/bin/python, while python2.0 is linked to
> /usr/bin/python2; a simple upgrade won't install Python 2.0, but will stick
> with Python 1.5.2.


> There are two major reasons for this:
> 1.) The transition from Python 1.5.2 to 2.0 is not completely flawless.
>   There are a few incompatible changes in 2.0 that tend to break applications.
>   E.g. Zope 2.2.5 is not yet prepared to work with Python 2.0. By providing
>   both packages for Python 1.5.2 (python-*) and Python 2.0 (python2-*), the
>   transition is much easier.

  What about python modules which work with both pythons? I was reluctant to
  recompile multiple versions as mentioned weeks ago.
  Do we have to generate 2 versions for those willing to use either 1.5 or
  2.0 ?

Jérôme Marant <jerome.marant@free.fr>

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