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Re: How to smoothly merge packages ?

Le Tue, Jun 15, 1999 at 11:46:40PM +0200, Gregor Hoffleit écrivait:
> Now quite a lot third-party packages depend e.g. on python-net. What's 
> the best method to ensure a smooth transition for both potato and
> people upgrading Python from slink, how do I have to set up the
> dependencies ?
> IIRC, during the big X11 package renaming, there was a need for some
> empty dummy packages. Should I use empty python-net etc. packages and
> urge the user to remove them when they are no longer necessary ? Or
> can I resolve the situation with "Replaces: python-net, ..." and/or
> "Provides: python-net, ..." and/or "Conflicts: python-net, ..." ?

All three together :
Provides: python-net
Replaces: python-net
Conflicts: python-net

The only drawback is that package that were depending on a versionned
python-net will have an unsatisfied dependency.

> I'm a little bit lost in the actual consequences of those.

Provides is here so that old packages depending on python-net can still
be installed as python-net (or an equivalent) is available.

Replaces is here so that python-base may overwrite some files from

Conflicts is here so that python-net will be removed.

Hertzog Raphaël >> 0C4CABF1 >> http://prope.insa-lyon.fr/~rhertzog/

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