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Invitation to debian-python mailing list


I'd like to invite all of you to join the debian-python mailing list
at lists.debian.org.

There are a few issues regarding the Python base packages that I'd like to 
see resolved before the release of slink.

This is the charter for debian-python:


      Description : Discussion of issues related to Python on Debian
                    systems with an stress on packaging standards.
                    Therefore relevant for maintainers of Python related
      Moderated   : no
      Subscription: open

IMHO the current directory setup of Python is not very well suited for
Debian. Major upgrades of Python are more troublesome than necessary,
and we'll have to change things anyway with the FHS transition.

We've already privately discussed this with Lorenzo and Matthias. I'd
like to see these discussions be continued on debian-python, and I'd
like to invite you (as maintainer of python-related packages) to
participate, if you're interested.

Other possible issues to be discussed are e.g. standards for naming
Python add-on packages (the perl community seems to use lib*-perl,
while we're using python-*). Since there are quite a few packages that
only have been introduced since hamm or still are in the queue, we
would now still have a chance to choose a common naming scheme
(lib*-python, lib*-py, py-* ???).

Then, I'd like to provide a better way to byte-compile the files in
modules. Maybe we could have a look at emacsen's mechanism for
registering e-lisp packages. In anticipation of JPython as an
alternative Python interpreter, this might be indeed useful and

In the end, I'd like to see the evolution of a policy for Python on
Debian systems, with guidelines for maintainers of Python related
packages and with hints for users of Python on Debian systems.

To support this, I'll set up a web page on
www.debian.org/~flight/python/. The page could contain information
about the packages currently available, with an link from

I hope I'll manage to post a first mail with a longer proposal to the
list within the next few days.


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