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Fwd: thanks for using Formbricks for debconf24

Hey Debian Team

following up on the mail below.

Thanks! :)

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Johannes Dancker <johannes@formbricks.com>
Date: Mon, Mar 4, 2024 at 4:47 PM
Subject: thanks for using Formbricks for debconf24
To: <debian-publicity@lists.debian.org>

Hey hey!

We loved to see that you used Formbricks to run the vote for a logo survey for the DebConf24 :)


We are currently developing a dedicated landing page for the Link Survey tool to complement the information we have on our community page.

I would love to add a quote from one of the Debian team members, maybe Donald Norwood, since he released the Formbricks survey?

Would be super helpful to build credibility around our open source project :)

BTW the press@debian.org email returns an SMTP error.

Thanks a lot!


Johannes Dancker
Co-founder & CEO, 

Formbricks GmbH

icon +49 176 301 664 68

icon formbricks.com

icon matti@formbricks.com

icon Kuhnkestraße 6, 24118 Kiel



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