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Re: New DDs and DMs for July and August 2023 Polish translation


On Thu, Sep 28, 2023 at 04:51:00PM +0200, Jean-Pierre Giraud wrote:
> […] The following contributor got his Debian Developer account in the
> last two months:

Following the style of my translation, this could look like:

    Następujący współtwórca otrzymał konto Dewelopera Debiana w ciągu ostatnich
    dwóch miesięcy:

Though I would prefer to shorten it to:

    W ciągu ostatnich dwóch miesięcy konto Dewelopera Debiana otrzymał:

> […] The following contributor got her Debian Developer account in the
> last two months:

That could be:

    Następująca współtwórczyni otrzymała konto Dewelopera Debiana w ciągu
    ostatnich dwóch miesięcy:

Or shortened:

    W ciągu ostatnich dwóch miesięcy konto Dewelopera Debiana otrzymała:

I’m not entirely happy with the word “współtwórca” (in either form).
Literally, “contributor” would be translated to Polish as “kontrybutor”,
which is technically correct, but rarely used in real world Polish and
seems more closely related to financial contributions.

“Współtwórca” is more like English “coauthor”, “cocreator”, or
“codeveloper”. As a related example, OpenStreetMap’s standard
attribution, “© OpenStreetMap contributors”[1], is usually translated as
“© autorzy OpenStreetMap”[2] (contributors→authors). Possible
alternatives include “wolontariusz” (“volunteer”, I don’t feel it’s
exactly appropriate) and “uczestnik” (plain old “participant”)

Another thing I’m uncertain about is the feminine form of “Debian
Developer”. While some may be OK with the above “Dewelopera Debiana”
(the masculine form, but that’s the common Polish usage) others may
prefer “Deweloperki Debiana” (strictly feminine). But I think this would
be something of concern only to Polish developers, so we can perhaps ask
them how they prefer to be titled?

 [1]: https://www.openstreetmap.org/copyright/en
 [2]: https://www.openstreetmap.org/copyright/pl

All the best

Grzegorz Szymaszek

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