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Re: Please contribute to the DebConf20 closing announcement

Hi Laura,

On Sat, Aug 29, 2020 at 02:37:13PM +0200, Laura Arjona Reina wrote:
> El 29/8/20 a las 8:40, Andreas Tille escribió:
> > Dear Laura,
> > 
> > first of all thanks a lot for your great work in the publicity team!
> > This is very important and great work you are doing!
> > 
> > The special thing this year was that I tried to "communicate" with my
> > friends via short shoutout videos.  I'm an extremely poor video producer
> > and the audio is sometimes inacceptable.  But some of my videos made it
> > into the loopy loop. :-)
> I've added a short paragraph about the loop including mention of the
> attendees' contributed shout-out. Thanks!

> > I have now videos about all DebConfs I visited for review / later usage
> > (after possible enhancement) at
> > 
> >     http://fam-tille.de/debconf_video/
> > 
> These are great! We'll feature them in a micronews or the next DPN.

One hint: I was told that its hard to watch these from phone or non-Linux
systems.  I'm waiting for some hints to re-encode them and may be I'll
upload them to peertube.  So waiting with the announcement might spare
some users the frustration of not seeing anything.

Kind regards



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