Hello Trần, thanks for your response and feedback. Greek translation team is inactive for a loong time; hence that is why I took the initiative to translate the 2016.02 version into Greek by myself. As for your 2nd part of your email, I would prefer working in a text editor and provide the translated wml file to publicity team, at least until I learn how to use CVS :) Regards Pavlos *Pavlos K. Ponos* My blog: https://pavlosponosblog.wordpress.com/about/ Public Linkedin profile: https://gr.linkedin.com/pub/pavlos-k-ponos/57/27/5b6/ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Don't send me files in the following formats:.doc(x),.xls(x),.ppt(x) Instead, try and use Open Document formats: https://www.libreoffice.org Save your money & use a Linux distro: http://distrowatch.com/ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- On 11/30/2016 03:55 AM, Trần Ngọc Quân wrote: > On 30/11/2016 04:38, Pavlos K. Ponos wrote: >> Hello everyone! >> >> I would like to translate the recently issued DPN into Greek. > Please contact Greek translate team[1] directly. > > [1] <https://www.debian.org/international/Greek> > >> Last time that I did the Greek translation (on May), Laura provided me >> with a .wml file. Is it doable to provide it or just send me a link >> where I can find the most updated version? > If it haven't been released yet, then it is maintained (draft) in dpn[2] > git repo. You start to translate it when status of it is freeze. > If it is released, so it was moved to webwml[3] cvs repo. > > [2] <https://anonscm.debian.org/git/publicity/dpn.git> > [3] <https://www.debian.org/devel/website/using_cvs> > >> I would prefer to work with >> such a file in a simple text editor instead of working with other file >> formats or online tools. >> > > This file is formated in wml. > I hope my suggest is helpful. > Thanks, >
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