next issue of DPN
Friends, please have a look at the current status of DPN:
It still needs some love, for example:
* a bit of work in the 'traditional' sections
* some rewording in text that I just pasted from the mails we received
in the mailing list
* formatting of the "quick links" section (this maybe can be done in a
programmatical way using the micronews repo or the RSS feed, or the
text that I already pasted).
* a global review and ping if we missed any important news from the
last months
* particular attention to the wording in introduced
paragraphs/sentences that may not change in the future DPN issues (the
note about micronews at the beginning, the line about new DDs and DM
in the "Contributors" section, the "quick links" section).
My proposal would be to try to publish the issue next weekend. I'll
try to put some time during the week, and I propose a DPN party
(gather in IRC and finish it) for Thursday 24th, from 20 UTC on.
Best regards
Laura Arjona Reina
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