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issues posting images to pump.io (@debian@identi.ca)

Dear all

I found out that using Dianara for posting images to pump.io
(@debian@identi.ca) produces an ugly result, because Dianara inserts
some HTML to beautify the paragraphs (this is good), but the web
interface puts the HTML (unprocessed) over the image when clicking on
the it to enlarge it (this is a bug: already reported

Using the web interface for posting images is also suboptimal because
the web interface does not allow titles on image posts (feature
requested https://github.com/e14n/pump.io/issues/1128 ).

So I found that using Pumpa client you can keep the HTML tags short
(basically <p></p>) and get a better result when posting an image. I
just edited the post about the DebConf16 group photo to fix it.

Another option is to use Dianara but instead of "attach > photo", go
to "Format > insert image from website" (this produces a text note,
with the image embedded using HTML). In this case, I think it's
inserted with the original size of the file (maybe not good for big

Best regards
Laura Arjona Reina

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