DPN 2014/16 frozen. Please review and translate.
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Hi all,
We just finished the last bits of the
new issue of DPN to be released on Monday, December 1, around 19:45 UTC.
We would very much appreciate reviews and translations.
Instructions are available on the wiki:
The last updated version is available on the publicity
Subversion repository, even via HTTP:
If you're willing to contribute to the redaction of the next issue,
don't hesitate, and join #debian-publicity IRC channel or send a message
to debian-publicity@lists.debian.org.
Best regards,
Donald Norwood
Version: GnuPG v1
#use wml::debian::projectnews::header PUBDATE="2014-12-01" SUMMARY="DebConf15 welcomes its first nine sponsors!, Debian running on a graphing calculator, votes on the General Resolution on init system couplingi, bits from the Debian Med team, Freexian's 3rd report about Debian Long Term Support, Newcomer tag in BTS, FOSS Outreach program for women, Release Team Sprint Results, Fun and Sanity in Debian, Notes on the Cambridge Mini-DebConf, DebConf14 final report, Debian Description Translation Project, LiMux Munich Bug Squashing Party, DPN asks: Hams, What do you do?"
# $Id: index.wml-template 5730 2014-08-06 14:51:20Z pabs $
# $Rev: 5730 $
# Status: [content-frozen]
## substitute XXX with the number (expressed in letter) of the issue.
## please note that the var issue is not automagically localized, so
## translators need to put it directly in their language!
## example: <intro issue="fourth" />
<intro issue="sixteenth" />
<toc-add-entry name="DC15Spon">DebConf15 welcomes its first nine sponsors!</toc-add-entry>
Each year for the past 14 years, Debian has held an <a href="http://debconf.org/">annual conference</a> for
developers and users. Next year, <a href="http://debconf15.debconf.org/">DebConf15</a> will take place in Heidelberg,
Germany in August of 2015. Nine companies have already committed to <a href="https://bits.debian.org/tag/debconf.html">sponsoring</a>
the event: credativ, sipgate, Google, Fairsight Security, Martin Alfke / Buero,
Ubuntu, Logilab, Netways, and Hetzner. Should you know of an organization that
would like to become a sponsor for the event, the DebConf team invites you to
please have a look at the <a href="http://media.debconf.org/dc15/fundraising/debconf15_sponsorship_brochure.pdf">sponsorship brochure</a> which has all of the details.
Looking forward to a great conference!
<toc-add-entry name="DebCalc">Debian running on a graphing calculator</toc-add-entry>
Of interest out on the web was a post from hackaday.com about
<a href="http://hackaday.com/2014/11/18/running-debian-on-a-graphing-calculator/">Debian in use and running on a graphing calculator</a>. The build was done using
available opensource tools and an ARM emulator then uploaded to the device.
Ivoah of the omnimaga forums shares the details and a how-to in greater depth
along with a video in a <a href="http://codinghobbit.no-ip.org/blog/?p=81">blog</a> post.
<toc-add-entry name="init_vote">Votes on the General Resolution on init system coupling</toc-add-entry>
The Debian Developer community <a href="https://vote.debian.org/~secretary/gr_initcoupling/results.txt">voted</a> and decided that no General Resolution
was needed on init system coupling. The General Resolution <a href="https://www.debian.org/vote/2014/vote_003">init system coupling vote</a>
was proposed in response to a Technical Committee decision choosing systemd as
the <a href="https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=727708#6734">default init system for Linux architectures</a>. Of the 5 available options for
voting, option #4 â??General Resolution is not required" won the <a href="https://vote.debian.org/~secretary/gr_initcoupling/tally.txt">vote</a>.
<toc-add-entry name="Med_Bits">Bits from the Debian Med team</toc-add-entry>
The version number of debian-med metapackages was bumped to 1.99 as a signal
of the plan to release version 2.0 with Jessie. This release contains for the
first time some support for Hospital Information Systems (HIS).
The team worked hard to enable DFSG free licenses and were able to have packages
moved from non-free into main for which they were in continuous discussion
with Joe Felsenstein the author of PHYLIP, who happily decided to move to a
free license with PHYLIP being released in September under a <a href="http://evolution.genetics.washington.edu/phylip.html">BSD-2-clause</a>
license. The teams effort in the license change shows that it is possible to
get support and positive change in licensing that benefits everyone, they hope
their approach can be used in similar situations.
The team is also involved in a paper which will be at <a href="http://www.biomedcentral.com/">BioMed Central</a>. The title will be
<q>Community-driven development for computational biology at Sprints, Hackathons
and Codefests</q>
Lastly, the Debian Med team will have a <a href="http://debian-med.alteholz.de/advent/">Bug Squashing Advent Calendar</a>. Feel
free to join them in their bug squashing effort where they, and you!, will be closing bugs.
<toc-add-entry name="LTS">Freexians 3rd report about Debian Long Term Support</toc-add-entry>
Debian <a href="https://wiki.debian.org/LTS">Long Term Support</a> (LTS) is a joint effort of <a href="http://www.freexian.com/services/debian-lts.html">paid contributors</a> and
sponsors to continue the release cycle for <a href="https://wiki.debian.org/DebianOldStable">oldstable</a> (Squeeze). The month of October in 2014, had 13.75 hours
allotted across 3 contributors: Thorsten Alteholz, Raphaël Hertzog, and
Holger Levsen. The effort gained two new sponsors <a href="http://daevel.fr/">Daevel</a> and <a href="http://www.fosster.com/">FOSSter</a>, and now
has 45.5 hours of paid LTS work to <q>spend</q> each month. Great news and progress but
still far from <a href="http://www.freexian.com/services/debian-lts.html">the minimal goal of funding the equivalent of a half-time position</a>.
Should the backlog grow further, they will <a href="http://www.freexian.com/services/debian-lts-details.html#join">seek for more paid contributors</a>
to share the workload.
Overall process showed the dla-needed.txt file listed with 33 packages awaiting
an update, which was 6 less than last month. The list of <a href="https://security-tracker.debian.org/tracker/status/release/oldstable">open vulnerabilities in Squeeze</a>
showed about 60 affected packages in total, which is explained by CVE
triaging for Squeeze which had not been done the past few days, and the POODLE
issues with SSLv3 affects a very large number of packages.
<p>Itâ??s never too late to <a href="http://www.freexian.com/en/services/debian-lts.html">join the growing list of sponsors</a>.
LTS asks that users and interested parties to please check with their company
and managers to help with the effort via sponsorship. If that is not possible
this year, please consider including this work and the effort in your budgets
for next year.
<toc-add-entry name="newcomer_tag">Newcomer tag in BTS</toc-add-entry>
Don Armstong <a href="http://www.donarmstrong.com/posts/newcomer_bts_tag/">updates</a> us with the a new <a href="$(HOME)"><acronym title="Bug Tracking System">BTS</acronym></a> tag: <tt>newcomer</tt>.
While some of you may already be aware of the <a href="https://wiki.debian.org/qa.debian.org/GiftTag"><tt>gift</tt> tag</a> which has been used for
a while to indicate bugs which are suitable for new contributors to use as an
entry point to working on specific packages. The new tag has been added and
more appropriately named <tt>newcomer</tt> and has been added to the BTS
All of the previously tagged <tt>gift</tt> bugs have been tagged with the new <tt>newcomer</tt>
If you have bugs in your package which you think are ideal for new contributors
to Debian, or you have a package that needs to be fixed, please tag them
<i>newcomer</i>. If you're getting started in Debian, and working on bugs to fix, please <a href="http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/pkgreport.cgi?tag=newcomer">search</a>
for the newcomer tag, grab the helm, and contribute to Debian.
<toc-add-entry name="OPW">FOSS Outreach program for women</toc-add-entry>
Stefano Zacchiroli and Don Armstrong announced Virginia King and Jingie Jiang
as 2 of the 3 intern placements as part of Debian's <a href="https://wiki.debian.org/OutreachProgramForWomen">participation</a> in the
<a href="https://gnome.org/opw/">FOSS Outreach Program for women</a>.
Starting December 9 through March 9 Virginia will be working on improving
the documentation of the <a href="https://bugs.debian.org/">Debian bug tracking system</a>, and Jinjie will be working
on <a href="http://sources.debian.net/">Debsources</a>. Welcome aboard!
<toc-add-entry name="Release">Release Team Sprint Results</toc-add-entry>
Jonathan Wiltshire <a href="https://lists.debian.org/debian-devel-announce/2014/11/msg00005.html">updates</a> us with the results of the Release Team Sprint. 4
days after the November 5, 2014 freeze date, they processed with 162 unblock
requests. Of those, 17 required further information from the submitters.
The team is seeking patches and editors for the release notes, particularly:
Init system changes, How to choose before upgrading, Pros and cons of
upgrading, and the dropping of i486 support.
The codenames have been chosen for the next future releases: Debian 9 <q>Stretch</q>
and Debian 10 <q>Buster</q>.
Cyril Brulebois is co-ordinating artwork for Jessie, and expects that it will
be ready before the holiday season. Jessie's <a href="https://wiki.debian.org/DebianArt/Themes/Lines">artwork is available for viewing</a>,
with thanks to all the many contributors who contributed artwork.
The team asks that you please carry out upgrade tests from Wheezy to Jessie,
and file your experiences against the upgrade-reports pseudo-package. They
would also appreciate tests of fresh installations, with reports against
arm64 and ppc64el have made enough progress to be release architectures for
Jessie. Regressions for arm64 and ppc64el are now release critical, but
non-regressions are not.
The team discussed kfreebsd at length, but were not satisfied that a release with
Jessie would be of sufficient quality. As a result, they are dropping it as an
official release architecture. They hope that the porters will be able to make a
simultaneous unofficial release.
<toc-add-entry name="FUN">Fun and Sanity in Debian</toc-add-entry>
Enrico Zini was asked, <q>is there anything happening in Debian besides systemd?</q>
Of course there is he thought! We froze on time and with a very low RC bug
count and there is a lot going on. To prove it, and to honestly answer the
question he created a <a href="http://gobby.debian.org/export/minidebconf-uk_2014/Fun%20and%20Sanity">gobby document</a> about <q>Fun and Sanity</q> in Debian then passed
the link around in IRC and at the 2014 Cambridge Miniconf. He <a href="http://enricozini.org/2014/debian/fun-and-sanity/">shared</a> some of the
great responses.
<toc-add-entry name="minicon">Notes on the Cambridge Mini-DebConf</toc-add-entry>
Steve McIntyre posted about the second Mini-Debconf in Cambridge, UK at the ARM
offices with its planned sprint work on Thursday and Friday through a range
of topics all over Debian: installer, admin, ARM arch support, etc.
Several volunteers from the DebConf video team were on hand, and the talks were
recorded and are <a href="http://meetings-archive.debian.net/pub/debian-meetings/2014/mini-debconf-cambridge/webm/">online</a>.
The mini-conf went well and feedback from attendees was universally positive.
He states they may run it again next year, but more importantly, confirms that
they are definitely planning on bidding to host a full DebConf in Cambridge in
the summer of 2017.
<toc-add-entry name="DC14final">DebConf14 final report</toc-add-entry>
The <a href="http://media.debconf.org/dc14/report/DebConf14_final_report.en.pdf">final report for DebConf14</a> has been released, here are a few excerpts:
<q><i>DebConf talks and discussions are important opportunities to raise new
proposals for development, to inform other contributors about technical
advances they can build on in their own work, and, last but not least, to
manage the wide cooperation required for each new Debian release.</i></q>
<q><i>DebConf is an oasis for those who need to find uninterrupted time to work on
Debian in their regular schedule.</i></q>
Highlights included the keynote by Prof. Gabriella Coleman, a Q&A session with Linus
Torvalds, plenary talks by former Debian Project Leader Stefano Zacchiroli,
hacking time, ad-hoc sessions, and <acronym title="Birds Of a Feather">BOF</acronym> meetings. Teams
in the background are brought to the forefront with information and
introductions of the video team who capture and make available many of the
talks online.
<toc-add-entry name="DDPT">Debian Description Translation Project</toc-add-entry>
Laura Arjona presents a <a href="http://larjona.wordpress.com/2014/11/19/translating-reviewing-debian-package-descriptions/">detailed walk through</a> on how to translate package
descriptions as part of the <a href="$(HOME)/international/l10n/ddtp">Debian Description Translation Project</a> (DDTP). It
is something that anyone can do without having to have great knowledge of
translation tools. The guide has hints, tips, advice, and a pictorial on how
to use the web interface.
<toc-add-entry name="In_stable">How to get new packages into stable</toc-add-entry>
Ever wonder how to get new packages into stable? Neil Williams details in a
<a href="http://linux.codehelp.co.uk/?p=153">blog posting</a> a very useful guide that was intended to be a talk at the
<a href="https://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/Miniconf-UK/2014">Mini-DebConf</a> in Cambridge, but instead decided to share it as a useful reference
tool for the future. He starts off with some background on LAVA and tells how
he was able to get it into Jessie through uploads, working with other Debian
Developers, team support, and patience.
<toc-add-entry name="BSP_Munich">LiMux Munich Bug Squashing Party</toc-add-entry>
A <a href="https://wiki.debian.org/BSP/2014/11/de/Munich">Bug Squashing Party</a> (<a href="https://wiki.debian.org/BSP">BSP</a>) took place in Munich, Germany, November 21 to 23,
sponsored annually by the LiMux project. Several teams were represented from
Debian, KDE PIM , Kubuntu, Kolab, and LibreOffice. Ovidiu-Florin Bogdan <a href="http://blog.geekaliens.com/2014/11/awesome-bsp-in-munchen/">blogged</a>
about and Jonathan Riddell <a href="http://jriddell.org/2014/11/22/blog-move-bug-squashing-party-in-munich/">posted</a> about major changes coming to Akonadi,
framework changes to KDE, and Qt4 theming with Plasma 5.
<toc-add-entry name="WDYD">DPN asks: Hams, What do you do?</toc-add-entry>
<a href="$(HOME)">Debian</a> is a large and global community of a lot of small actors, projects, and
teams. This month as part of a special feature we'd like to share with you
something about a project or a team that is working in Debian that you
may not be aware of.
Starting this off, we reached out to the <a href="https://wiki.debian.org/DebianHams">Debian Ham-Radio Team</a> with
the question: <q>Hams, What do you do?</q>
Ian Learmonth responds:
<q>The Debian Hamradio Maintainers team collaborates on maintenance of
amateur-radio related packages for Debian. This includes packaging, writing
documentation, providing description translations and more for amateur-radio
related <a href="https://packages.debian.org/stable/hamradio/">packages</a>.
The team plans to release a Debian Pure Blend for amateur-radio with the
release of <a href="https://packages.debian.org/testing/hamradio/">Stretch</a>. This will make it easier for end users to explore the
software that is available to them for amateur-radio and will also allow us
to easily provide a live CD with all the amateur-radio software installed to
help people who want to try out Debian but are not yet ready to install it
to their hard drive.
We've recently had a number of new additions to the team, and these new
additions are being mentored for Debian packaging work by the team.
Packaging teams can be a great place for newcomers to find help with
packaging and you know that the person mentoring you will be interested in
the package too.
<toc-add-entry name="other">Other news</toc-add-entry>
<p>The 37th issue of the
<a href="https://lists.debian.org/debian-devel-announce/2014/11/msg00015.html">miscellaneous news for developers</a>
has been released and covers the following topics:</p>
<li>Gift QA tag is now an official tag called "newcomer" (â??)</li>
<li>Newcomer bugs for pseudopackages in how-can-i-help</li>
<li>MySQL server and client virtual packages</li>
<li>As-installed package checking</li>
<li>Making packages secure with systemd service files</li>
<toc-add-entry name="newcontributors">New Debian Contributors</toc-add-entry>
2 applicants have been
<a href="https://nm.debian.org/public/nmlist#done">accepted</a>
as Debian Developers,
9 applicants have been
<a href="https://lists.debian.org/debian-project/2014/11/msg00078.html">accepted</a>
as Debian Maintainer, and
13 people have <a href="https://udd.debian.org/cgi-bin/new-maintainers.cgi">started
to maintain packages</a> since the previous issue of the Debian
Project News. Please welcome
Matteo F. Vescovi,
Tássia Camões Araújo,
Andrew Bartlett,
Andreas Moog,
Andriy Grytsenko,
Fabian Greffrath,
Hugo Lefeuvre,
James Cowgill,
Jordan Justen,
Pierre Blanc,
Ross Gammon,
Matthias Klose,
Thibault Cohen,
Rejah Rehim,
Vincent Hourdin,
Victor Fayvel,
Maxime Chatelle,
Shawn Sörbom,
Johannes Schauer,
Darryl L. Pierce,
Herbert Parentes Fortes Neto,
Andreas Stührk,
Dmitry Bogatov,
Christopher Reichert
into our project!</p>
<toc-add-entry name="rcstats">Release-Critical bugs statistics for the upcoming release</toc-add-entry>
## release= codename for the current testing release
## url= link to the Tolimar's blog post â?? http://www.schmehl.info/Debian/rc-stats/7.0-wheezy/201#-##
## testing= number of bugs as defined by this UDD query â?? http://ur1.ca/8p8k0 (for the not shortened url, look at webwml/english/template/debian/projectnews/boilerplates.wml on the webwml repository)
## tobefixed: number of bugs as defined byt this UDD query â?? http://ur1.ca/8p8lo
## example:
# <rcstatslink release="Wheezy"
# url="http://www.schmehl.info/Debian/rc-stats/7.0-wheezy/2012-23"
# testing="734"
# tobefixed="496" />
# In case Tolimar's blog post has not been published this week, one can use the shorten form:
# /!\ s/rcstatslink/rcstats/
# <rcstats release="Wheezy"
# testing="613"
# tobefixed="410" />
<rcstatslink release="Jessie"
tobefixed="132" />
<toc-add-entry name="dsa">Important Debian Security Advisories</toc-add-entry>
<p>Debian's Security Team recently released
advisories for these packages (among others):
<a href="$(HOME)/security/2014/dsa-3072">file</a>,
<a href="$(HOME)/security/2014/dsa-3073">libgcrypt11</a>,
<a href="$(HOME)/security/2014/dsa-3074">php5</a>,
<a href="$(HOME)/security/2014/dsa-3075">drupal7</a>.
Please read them carefully and take the proper measures.</p>
<p>The Debian team in charge of Squeeze Long Term Support released
security update announcements for these packages:
<a href="https://lists.debian.org/debian-lts-announce/2014/11/msg00005.html">file</a>,
<a href="https://lists.debian.org/debian-lts-announce/2014/11/msg00006.html">dbus</a>,
<a href="https://lists.debian.org/debian-lts-announce/2014/11/msg00007.html">ruby1.8</a>,
<a href="https://lists.debian.org/debian-lts-announce/2014/11/msg00008.html">nss</a>,
<a href="https://lists.debian.org/debian-lts-announce/2014/11/msg00009.html">imagemagick</a>,
<a href="https://lists.debian.org/debian-lts-announce/2014/11/msg00010.html">tomcat6</a>,
<a href="https://lists.debian.org/debian-lts-announce/2014/11/msg00011.html">tomcat-native</a>.
Please read them carefully and take the proper measures.</p>
<p>Debian's Backports Team released advisories for these packages:
<a href="https://lists.debian.org/"></a>,
Please read them carefully and take the proper measures.</p>
<p>Debian's Stable Release Team released an update announcement for the package:
<a href="https://lists.debian.org/"></a>.
Please read it carefully and take the proper measures.</p>
<p>Please note that these are a selection of the more important security
advisories of the last weeks. If you need to be kept up to date about
security advisories released by the Debian Security Team, please
subscribe to the <a href="https://lists.debian.org/debian-security-announce/">security mailing
list</a> (and the separate <a href="https://lists.debian.org/debian-backports-announce/">backports
list</a>, and <a href="https://lists.debian.org/debian-stable-announce/">stable updates
list</a>) for announcements.
<toc-add-entry name="nnwp">New and noteworthy packages</toc-add-entry>
75 packages were added to the unstable Debian archive
recently. <a href="https://packages.debian.org/unstable/main/newpkg">Among
many others</a> are:</p>
<li><a href="https://packages.debian.org/unstable/main/cpp-mips-linux-gnu">cpp-mips-linux-gnu
â?? GNU C cross-preprocessor (cpp) for architecture mips</a></li>
<li><a href="https://packages.debian.org/unstable/main/fig">fig â??
Punctual, lightweight development environments using Docker</a></li>
<li><a href="https://packages.debian.org/unstable/main/fuzzylite">fuzzylite
â?? fuzzy logic control binary</a></li>
<li><a href="https://packages.debian.org/unstable/main/siril">siril
â?? astronomical image processing tool</a></li>
<li><a href="https://packages.debian.org/unstable/main/xul-ext-video-without-flash">xul-ext-video-without-flash
â?? extension to watch videos without the flash plugin</a></li>
<li><a href="https://packages.debian.org/unstable/main/yosys">yosys
â?? Framework for Verilog RTL synthesis</a></li>
<li><a href="https://packages.debian.org/unstable/main/apticron">apticron
â?? Simple tool to mail about pending package updates</a></li>
<li><a href="https://packages.debian.org/unstable/main/funkload">funkload
â?? web testing tool</a></li>
<li><a href="https://packages.debian.org/unstable/main/dotclear">dotclear
â?? open-source web publishing software</a></li>
<li><a href="https://packages.debian.org/unstable/main/go2">go2 â??
fast directory finder</a></li>
<toc-add-entry name="wnpp">Work-needing packages</toc-add-entry>
## link= link to the mail report from wnpp@debian.org to debian-devel ML
## orphaned= number of packages orphaned according to $link
## rfa= number of packages up for adoption according to $link
<wnpp link="https://lists.debian.org/debian-devel/2014/11/msg00993.html"
rfa="148" />
<toc-add-entry name="continuedpn">Want to continue reading DPN?</toc-add-entry>
<continue-dpn />
#use wml::debian::projectnews::footer editor="Cédric Boutillier, Jean-Pierre Giraud, Donald Norwood, Justin B Rye"
# Translators may also add a translator="foo, bar, baz" to the previous line
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