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Re: Debian Ports Page


David Prévot <taffit@debian.org> wrote:
> Le 11/08/2012 07:56, Martin Eberhard Schauer a écrit :
> > helix84 wrote:
> >>
> >>>> There are 13 architectures supported?
> >>>> In the installation manual, we count 11:
> >>>> i386, amd64, armel, armhf, ia64, mips, mipsel, powerpc,
> >>>> sparc, s390, s390x
> >>>>        
> >>> Maybe Debian GNU/kFreeBSD and Debian GNU/Hurd count as "supported
> >>> architectures" as well?
> >>>      
> >> IIRC, hurd-i386 isn't an official port. I think they're kfreebsd-amd64
> >> and kfreebsd-i386.
> They were indeed the two pseudo-architectures that made the differences
> (pseudo-, since i386 and amd64 are already supported with Linux, but
> architectures nonetheless on Debian point of view). We had trouble to
> mention them in the Squeeze release announcement too, hopefully we'll
> find a nice way to word it until Wheezy gets released,

I would not count the 2 kfreebsd ports into the architectures at all.
The "supported architectures" contains the hardware platforms which
Debian supports:
For i386 and amd64 there is more than one kernel in Debian, but the
hardware platform is simply spoken supported. 
(You could rewrite it to this: Debian can be used on 11 hardware
platforms. If you have now the possibility to use two different
kernels on some platforms, this still leaves the fact, that Debian
can be used on 11 different platforms.)


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