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First interview ready (Re: more content for times.d.n: developers interviews)


Ok, I'm ready to post the first interview.

Since this is the first posting I'm preparing: could somebody with access on 
thallo have a look at it (/org/times.debian.net/tmp/interview-steinke) and 
comment on formatting problems?  I use h1, h2, tt, p, i, a HTML tags and 
[lr]dquo, mdash entities.

Also: is just mentioning the category in the header enough?  I think the 
interviews should have their own category as none of the existing ones fit.

thanks & cheers
-- vbi

On Sunday 19 October 2008 12:50:26 Adrian von Bidder wrote:
> Heyho all!
> I was wondering if a series of interviews with random developers would be
> well received on times.debian.net.  Goal would be to show that Debian
> developers are a diverse lot, why they came to Debian, how they use it. 
> (If only to show that not all DD work on Debian 48h a day, like it seems
> our esteemed core team members do.)
> I'd select developers at random and ask them very few questions (who are
> you? why Debian?  how do you use it?) in the hope that the DD I ask
> actually spend the few minutes to answer.  I think I should be able to
> sustain a frequency of an interview every ca. 2 weeks.
> <poll>
> [ ] go ahead
> [ ] I won't read it, but if you absolutely want to ...
> [ ] brainfart
> [ ] ...
> </poll>
> (Obviously, decision is by times.d.n admin(s), not me)
> List of questions, open for comments:
> * Who are you?
> * How did you end up using Debian and becoming a DD?
> * How do you currently use Debian?
> * What do you do when you're not working on Debian?
> Not sure about:
> * What do you think are the strongest / weakest points in Debian?
> * Anything else you'd want to tell readers of times.d.n?
> cheers
> -- vbi
> [please keep me on cc:s, thanks]

Now, with penguins, (cuddly such), "contented" means it has either just
gotten laid, or it's stuffed on herring. Take it from me, I'm an expert
on penguins, those are really the only two options.
        -- Linus Torvalds

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