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Re: Bits from the DPN editors

Alexander Reichle-Schmehl <tolimar@debian.org> wrote: [...]
> Speaking of the current state sadly means to confess, that our hopes to
> draw a lot of help from the community by using a system for drafting the
> news with a low entry barrier were not fulfilled.  We actually had a
> good start, with good participation, but due to (I assume) the
> aforementioned initial difficulties participation in the creation of the
> DPN dropped considerably. [...]

wiki.debian.net doesn't have a low entry barrier.  I know there's some
way around the "Immutable Page" tag but I don't remember what it is
(my memory is pretty spotty) and a quick search didn't find much -
it's not mentioned on wiki.debian.org/HelpOnEditing, for example.

Also, I'm not sure whether there's an offline editor for it (most
times I have spare, I don't have live online access) and I don't know
how to send emails, news or files to it.

Finally, I've had past experience of contributions to debian
newsletters being rewritten buggily and don't see how DPN differs.

I don't mind if anyone thinks all those reasons are silly.  I just
thought I'd point out some deterrents.

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