Re: Press release
> >you'll be sure that I will release something very quick without you
> > being able to participate. This is not threatening but a warning.
My experience is that people need a handful of chuncks to work with:
* Debian is the biggest Linux distribution constiting of 4500 packages with an
award winning installion and upgrading process using CD's or the Internet.
* It is availbale on PC's, Sun MicroSystems, Compac alpha and the m68K series
(not sure why but you need it)
* It has been developed and integrated by a volunteer organization coordianted
by the same peer review process as develops the linux internals.
* Included are the highly advanced GNOME and KDE desktops using the Xfree 86
network based windowing system.
* The effort is guided by the Debian Socal Contract, Blah.. blah..
This covers the top layer, then have hyplinks to develop more detail, an futher
hyperlinks to get to the nitty gritty details.
Just my $0.02
John van Vlaanderen
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