Re: Can't find infos for money donation on
I'll copy and Martin Schulze on this mail. Joey
handles most of our european donations, and Darren is in charge of donations
in general.
Regards, Nils.
In message <[🔎] Pine.LNX.3.96.1000105104943.9189A-100000@chaos>, Igor Bubel
>Dear Sirs,
>I hope I sent this to the correct address. However, if you are not in
>charge of this matter, please, let me know whom to contact.
>I am working with Debian for a few years now. I would like to make a
>monetary donation to you. For this I was looking at above link. But
>clicking the link 'SPI donation page' just leads me back to the same page.
>Now, I am located in Germany and I don't want to spend most of my money on
>banking fees. Do you know of a cheap way to send money to you from
>Germany? I heard of an international account at Citibank that is
>accessible from all over the world. Do you have something like this?
>Another way: The odd time I visit USA for business, something like once
>every few years. Is it possible to pay some money into your bank account?
>Could you give me instructions what I would have to do, as I never did
>something like this before in USA?
>Thank you for your answer in advance.
>Best wishes, and keep up the good work.
>Igor Bubel
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Nils Lohner Software in the Public Interest, Inc.
E-Mail: PO Box 273
Board of Directors <> Tracy, Ca. 95378-0273, USA
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