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Re: Debian Logos...

In message <[🔎] 19971205020434.6253.qmail@va.debian.org>,
bruce@va.debian.org writes:
>Regarding http://www.novare.net/~ean/debian
>It is a nice effort in graphics, but I think it has some problems as
>a logo.
>The D and G are opposites in figure-vs.-ground . The figure-vs.-ground
>technique is explicitly for confusing the eye. This is singularly
>inappropriate for a logo, as you want _rapid_recognition_ by the eye
>rather then confusion.

To be honest, I never even noticed the gap in the logo being G-shaped.
I saw the shape as a whole being like a D, ignoring the gap at the top;
looking closer, and taking into account the first inward stroke of the
spiral, it's a G, and, if you look hard, there are two Ls, one in the
middle, and the side and bottom of the D make another L.  The D is the
important one, though.  If the G and L aren't recognised, the middle
bit just becomes a nice spiraly squiggle.

>It's based on roman letters - this is a problem because what do you
>recognize? The letters D and G, which you have already been trained to
>recognize, rather than the "debian symbol". And of course this has no
>meaning at all for someone who does not write in roman letters.

I think it's sufficiently modified from a simple D that it wouldn't be
confused.  If I saw it again, in an unfamiliar context, I'm pretty sure
I'd recognise it as the same logo.

IMHO, it's as good as SUN's logo, which can be printed flat, embossed,
or whatever.  Playing with letters-shapes can generate some good
logos.  But then, I'm more inclined towards typography than graphic
artistry, so my opinion would be different...

>I's got a "3D look", this makes it more difficult to print.

...but it would be easily flattened into black-and-white, in a way
that, say, logo "eb04", or even "ew06", wouldn't.  I think it would be
good to have a basic shape printable in b/w (no greys, even) and be
able to do greyscale/colour/3d/whatever versions for situations where
that is feasible.  Think of the SGI logo.  They stick little silvery
versions of it on their machines, but it's still easily recognisable as
the same logo when printed in black.

>I think it's important to look at a logo for a very short time without any
>prejudice (less than 1/2 second), and then think to yourself "what did I
>see?". The immediate answer should be "the debian logo". It should not be
>confused with anything else like two letters, the "Tux" the penguin, etc.

Personally, I saw a kind of D-shaped spirally thing, and since I was in
a Debian frame of mind, I thought "Debian".  I like this one.

BTW, to the people who didn't like Bruce's chosen logo because it
wasn't recognisable as a penguin:  It isn't necessary for Debian's logo
to be a penguin, because a CDROM vendor or book publisher who wants to
attract Linux users can put Tux on their product as well as the Debian
logo.  If I were to start selling Debian CDs, I'd probably put not only
the Linux penguin and the Debian chick (or whatever else we choose) on
the cover, but the GNU gnu and the X X, too.

Charles Briscoe-Smith
White pages entry, with PGP key: <URL:http://alethea.ukc.ac.uk/wp?95cpb4>
PGP public keyprint: 74 68 AB 2E 1C 60 22 94  B8 21 2D 01 DE 66 13 E2

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