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Re: Concerns regarding the "Open Source AI Definition" 1.0-RC2

On Sat, Oct 26, 2024 at 10:41:12AM -0700, Mo Zhou wrote:
> I drafted an unofficial document named ML-Policy[5]
> [5]: https://salsa.debian.org/deeplearning-team/ml-policy/-/blob/master/ML-Policy.rst
> Maybe it is time for us to build a consensus on how we tell whether a
> piece of AI is DFSG-compliant or not, instead of waiting for
> ftp-masters to interpret those binary blobs case-by-case.
> Do we need a GR to reach a consensus?

A vote is not a good tool to build consensus (quite the contrary), but
it could be an effective decision-making tool.

Before getting in to that procedural question, though, do you (or
anyone) know what ftpmasters think of the ML-Policy? Because if, say,
they agree with it, it would be enough for them to adopt/endorse that
policy to turn it into the an official Debian policy on this matter.

(In case of doubt: mine is a real question, I have no idea what
fptmasters think about this matter. It just seems important to me to
find that out, before considering a GR that overlaps with ftpmasters'
delegated responsibilities.)

Stefano Zacchiroli . zack@upsilon.cc . https://upsilon.cc/zack  _. ^ ._
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Télécom Paris, Polytechnic Institute of Paris     o     o o    </>   <\>
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