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RE: [Confirmation request] Regarding EOS/EOL of Debian OS (as of October 2023)


Thank you for your reply.
I understand the end of support date.


-----Original Message-----
From: Andrey Rakhmatullin <wrar@wrar.name> 
Sent: Wednesday, October 18, 2023 10:30 PM
To: endo.hirofumi <endo.hirofumi@sojitz-sys.com>
Cc: debian-project@lists.debian.org; webadmin@debian.or.jp; svop <svop@sojitz-sys.com>
Subject: Re: [Confirmation request] Regarding EOS/EOL of Debian OS (as of October 2023)

On Wed, Oct 18, 2023 at 01:00:00PM +0000, endo.hirofumi wrote:
> This is the main topic, but please check the EOS and EOL of the following products provided by your project.
> Could you please give me some guidance?
> *If it has not been published, please reply to that effect.
> <Target products>
> Debian GNU/Linux 9(64bit)
> In addition, in accordance with our internal regulations, we will continue to periodically update EOS/EOL information.
> We need to take inventory.
> If there is any information posted on the official website that you can refer to at that time.
> In the future, we will refer to them instead of making inquiries.
> We apologize for the inconvenience, but if you know of such a site, could you please introduce it to us?
Please read https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://wiki.debian.org/LTS__;!!BKtBCdlgRQ!bkp_P5L2RGbys5BTAhhN3jLGWdTiKuOU68wnEvqymojwW5XcdW6Lk1KdkiPKS3E9zpwZ0nwjAfZZoRmDfxVAcg$  and https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://wiki.debian.org/LTS/Extended__;!!BKtBCdlgRQ!bkp_P5L2RGbys5BTAhhN3jLGWdTiKuOU68wnEvqymojwW5XcdW6Lk1KdkiPKS3E9zpwZ0nwjAfZZoRnGuhlUVw$ 

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