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Re: Debian website is blocked in Argentina. Or it's a misconfiguration?

Pierre-Elliott Bécue <peb@debian.org> wrote on 04/04/2023 at 11:13:46+0200:

> [[PGP Signed Part:Good signature from EE215B9FB8C45B0B Pierre-Elliott Bécue <becue@crans.org> (trust ultimate) created at 2023-04-04T11:22:55+0200 using RSA]]
> Adding DSA as this is a DNS matter which falls under our scope.
> "maritom83@yahoo.com" <maritom83@yahoo.com> wrote on 04/04/2023 at 05:36:35+0200:
>> I will start comparing some domains:
>> root@LEDE:~# nslookup debian.org
>> Server:
>> Address:
>> Name:      debian.org
>> Address 1:
>> Address 2:
>> Address 3:
>> Address 4: 2603:400a:ffff:bb8::801f:3e
>> Address 5: 2001:67c:2564:a119::77
>> Address 6: 2001:4f8:1:c::15
>> root@LEDE:~# nslookup www.debian.org
>> Server:
>> Address:
>> Name:      www.debian.org
>> Address 1:
>> Address 2: 2801:82:80ff:8009:e61f:13ff:fe63:8e88
>> The second one only gives Brazilian IP. Why?. Cannot be viewed here. Manually editing hosts can "fix" this problem.
>> is from UFPR, a blocked network by Telecom Argentina and Internexa. Well, the entire AS1916 (including ftp.br.debian.org, uepg, c3sl...).
>> Further explanations here: (spanish)
>> https://foros.3dgames.com.ar/threads/315307?p=24601216&viewfull=1#post24601216
>> https://foros.3dgames.com.ar/threads/315307?p=24602387&viewfull=1#post24602387
> www.debian.org name resolution is done through GeoIP DNS (multiple
> mirrors over multiple continents). For South America in general, the
> only record we put for www.debian.org is santoro.debian.org which is
> hosted in brazil.
> The solution here would probably to put an exception on Argentina and
> put the IP of a US server for GeoIP DNS.
> I'll see with my DSA Teammates if that's fine with them and consider
> this option.

After discussing with them internally, it is our opinion that you should
probably bring this matter with your ISP as it's not really normal that
they block a whole network on web ports.

On our side, we do not want to do specific work for specific ISPs having
what looks like a bad policy.


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