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Re: Banning Norbert Preining from planet.d.o


On Wed, Mar 23, 2022 at 1:32 PM Philip Hands <phil@hands.com> wrote:
> I note that nobody in this discussion so far has tried to argue that
> we'll somehow be poorer for being less exposed to his writings, but only
> that some procedure might not have been followed properly.

That is because both sides are abusing the rules to push their desired
results instead of trusting a process to arrive at an unknown outcome.

Please look at it differently for a minute. Everyone understands that
the removal question is about our attitudes to the post, or maybe just
one line in it.

Everyone also agrees that some decision is needed.

The true alternatives in this case, however—and any other, really—are
to either accept, or to make a change. The rabbis call them the "good"
impulse and the "evil" impulse. [1] While those names are flashy, they
are inaccurate. Instead, they should be called the "accepting"
inclination and the "world-changing" inclination.

All your Git actions in Planet today fall into the "changing"
category, with an "evil" score of 1 for those opposing removal, and 2
for those favoring it. That ping-pong will continue until some of you
learn to "accept" and to stop pushing your agenda.

On the removal question, there is actually a gray area. For example,
someone could have said: "Let's give the poster ten points and let's
take one away today."

Personally, I like lenient governments.

Here is some more wisdom of the ages for you: On average, men are more
"changing" [2] and women are more "accepting." [3] "Without the Evil
Desire, no man would build a house, take a wife, or beget children."

Also, true evil is not merely about how strong our "evil" impulse is.
It is also about whether we abuse the good resources we were given. On
average, people with more of the "changing" impulse also abuse their
resources more often.

A knife can cut a potato or a throat. Please let's cut some more
potatoes tomorrow. Thank you!

Kind regards,
Felix Lechner

[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yetzer_hara
[2] "Vladimir Putin invades Ukraine,"
[3] "The act of saying NO workshop,"
[4] Bereisheet Rabbah 9:7, compiled 3rd-5th century,

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