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Re: How do you manage debian mails on your mailbox?

On Sun, Aug 28, 2022 at 09:37:36PM +0200, Ole Streicher wrote:
I use a separate mail account for Debian, separated from my personal and
from my work one.

Me too. For me this is more of a psychological/self-care decision than a
technical one: I use the same mail reader (mutt) and many of the same
support scripts/glue (mostly common muttrc, scripts and aliases around
filtering with crm114, etc.) as I do for my "primary" identity, but I
get to choose when I opt into thinking about Debian and when I don't.

- - Do you have any sensible way to cope up with so many mails from
different mailing lists and not potentially miss out on something important?

My way is to use an nntp gateway (sn) and read the mail with a news
reader (emacs gnus in my case). That makes it very easy to go through
them quickly and to not miss one.

I've moved to using NNTP too, Gmane's gateway in particular. I use
(neo)mutt as packaged with the NNTP patches. It's far from an ideal
news reader (and Gmane has some opinions about the mapping of mailing
list names to NNTP names that don't always seem natural to me) but it
mostly works. (I've got some TLS/SSL problems to figure out, one day.)

Please do not CC me for listmail.

👱🏻	Jonathan Dowland
✎	 jmtd@debian.org
🔗	https://jmtd.net

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