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Re: What does it mean to be inclusive

>>>>> "Gerardo" == Gerardo Ballabio <gerardo.ballabio@gmail.com> writes:
    Gerardo> Debian is a community that strives to be open, fair and
    Gerardo> inclusive.  That means that we have made a commitment to
    Gerardo> welcome everybody and not exclude anyone without good
    Gerardo> reasons.

I agree that Debian has committed to being open and inclusive.  However,
for me that means something different than you say in your second
sentence.  To me that means we've committed to being open to as large a
cross section of people--as diverse a cross section of people as

The difference in how we interpret things is whether we're focused on
the individual or the aggregate affect.
In my model, the bar for excluding an individual, particularly at the
beginning is very low.

* We expect people to agree to the social contract.
That's a big exclusion; a lot of people don't care about those

* We require people to agree to the CoC; that's another big bar.

* At various levels of involvement  we work to confirm people are
  willing to follow these things to various degrees.

In effect, we have a bunch of exclusions for making the community more
welcoming, because over all in aggregate doing that creates a more
inclusive community.

This is in contrast to having a community where we set the bar for
excluding any given individual as high as possible.

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