Re: Question
Hi Nyle
On 2021/02/04 09:00, Nyle Davis wrote:
> Sirs;
Debian contributors are made up of a large variety of people and we try
to use inclusive language as far as possible.
> I was using Kubuntu 14.04 LTS which had what I called "Super Windows"
> where any window could be nested within any other window and be shown
> by "Super Tabs", such as with browser tabs. This existed in 14.04 but
> is not available in later visions. I liked this capability so am
> searching for it. I started by asking KDE, the answer was "Not us!",
> Then I asked Ubuntu/Canonical again the answer was
> "Not us!", They actually referred me to you, so did this "Super
> Windows" originate with Debian?
> If so is it a separate installable package?
Sounds very unlikely, we don't like to carry big patches, and would
rather submit changes like that upstream where they belong. Might have
been a 3rd party plugin that Kubuntu included at the time, your best bet
might be to install Kubuntu 14.04 somewhere and do some diving.
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- References:
- Question
- From: Nyle Davis <>