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Re: Potential Summary: Keysigning in times of COVID-19

On Thu, Aug 13, 2020 at 17:57, Adam Borowski <kilobyte@angband.pl> wrote:
I don't get where people get the feeling that producing a passport would
require a TLA/nation state/organized crime/etc.  You can get one for

I've been offered one once, and I inquired about the details -- for just ~$25 (100PLN) the guy claimed it's done on original booklet, etc. That's stuff for fooling actual government officials. No need to sacrifice that whole $25 to get a fake for Debian purposes, though -- no one among us can
tell apart one booklet/card with a badly-made photo from another.

Waving a passport or similar id offers laughable security.

I think the point about fake idenity documents is, it being a criminal activity and make one liable for prosecution. So it is not just about immediate cost of getting a fake id, but the is high risk if you are caught. Not all frauds get caught, but some do get caught and it probably serves as a deterrant or it sufficiently sets the bar very high (I think 3 letter agencies can still take the risk).

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