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Re: Salsa as authentication provider for Debian

On Wed, Apr 08, 2020 at 03:00:31PM +0000, Luca Filipozzi wrote:

> > Question: is there something in the proposed Salsa plan that somehow
> > blocks experimenting with, introducing, or migrating to Keycloak in the
> > future?
> The further we go down one path, the harder, in my opinion, to change
> later.

I think we're not really going "down one path": we're trying to dig
ourselves "out of one pit".

I'll have to repeat the question: is there something specific in the
proposed Salsa plan, that somehow blocks experimenting with,
introducing, or migrating to Keycloak or some other solution in the

From what I can see so far, we're starting a migration to OIDC, removing
one of 3 user databases, adopting more standards, and doing some general
cleanup along the way, which makes me think Salsa could be considered an
iterative step towards a migration to anything else.

If you're instead generally expressing a fear that once we migrate to
Salsa, we'll be in a local optimum that is going to be considered good
enough to be worth bothering migrating to anything else, then I would
argue that the problem wouldn't be having moved to Salsa as an OIDC
provider, and rather that the next step that is proposed wouldn't be
bringing enough compelling advantages to the problem at hand.


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