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Re: Debian Geldspenden an ffis e.V.

Dear Héctor Orón Martínez,

thank you for your fast reply.
On the front page of their homepage "ffis e.V." still claim to have non-profit status ("ist als gemeinnützige Organisation anerkannt") and explicitly states that donations to them are tax deductible ("Ihre Spenden können Sie steuerlich geltend machen"). That is inacceptable, if the status expired in 2017.

How can we check that our donation has at least reached the debian project?



Am 20.01.2020 um 15:46 schrieb Héctor Orón Martínez:

Missatge de Momme Winkelnkemper <mw@tuerck-ing.de> del dia dl., 20 de
gen. 2020 a les 14:28:

we have also donated to the debian project via "ffis e.V." in December 2018. We still need a contribution receipt ("Spendenquittung") for the donation. Ffis does not respond to our E-mails and letters.
According to "ffis e.V." website
(http://www.ffis.de/Verein/gemein.html) the non-profit status has
expired in 2017.

Is there anyone you know that we can contact about this? We would appreciate your help very much.
Debian Treasurer team had been trying to reach out to Joey (the man
behind "ffis e.V." ) several times in the past to find out the way
forward, however, due to lack of time on Joey's side keeps postponing
a solution for this.

Note, "ffis e.V." has been removed from website and Debian does not
promote it anymore due to the above issues.

Apologies for any issue that might be causing on your side.



Dr. Momme Winkelnkemper
Dr. Türck Ingenieurbüro GmbH
Ihre Experten für Optikentwicklung und Data Science

Kreuzbergstr. 37
Berlin 10965
Tel. +49 30 69205580-0
Fax. +49 30 69205580-9


Dr. Türck Ingenieurbüro GmbH
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Registergericht: Amtsgericht Charlottenburg
Sitz der Gesellschaft: Berlin
Geschäftsführer Dr. Volker Türck

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