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Re: Bits from the DPL for November 2019

>>>>> "Sean" == Sean Whitton <spwhitton@email.arizona.edu> writes:

    >> But right now, I don't think we're focused on Git packaging; at
    >> least I know that's not my current focus.

    Sean> Can I suggest that we delay this further, to February, say, or
    Sean> even to March?  I think that it might be a contentious issue,
    Sean> and the project could probably do with a bit more spacing out
    Sean> of such discussions.

Let's rephrase that as delay until at least after the holidays.  I was
thinking of seeing where we are mid January.  And what else is on the
plate.  I'd really like to get done with Git Round 3 during this current
DPL term, but I think there may be things ahead of it on the agenda like
providing compassion for each other in response to the init systems

I seem uncomfortable committing to specific delays.  I guess I'm worried
that someone will bring up the issue and I'll be in a bind about whether
to participate or not.
Or worried that a month and a half from now things will seem more calm
than I think they will or something.

But I think early January would almost certainly be too soon, and your
February/March seems a lot more likely.


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