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Re: should debian comment about the recent 'ransomware' malware.

Le Tue, May 16, 2017 at 03:59:18AM +0530, shirish शिरीष a écrit :
> I was looking at p.d.o. but much to my disappointment nobody had
> discussed the newest 'wannacry' ransomware there.

> while it was primarily targeted towards Windows machines, maybe we
> could tailor a response which shows how Debian is more secure and
> possibilities of such infections are low/non-existent .

Hi Sirish,

Actually, if there were a large enough number of users still running
Squeeze or earlier versions, for which there is no official nor [LTS
security support](https://wiki.debian.org/LTS), the same could happen to
Debian.  Thus, if there were a response from Debian to the ransomware
attack, it could be a reminder that it is true for Debian as well that
old systems must be upgraded or at least very thoroughly isolated.

But I think that it would more fit a blog article than an official news
release (after all, we will call for updates soon with the next Stable
release).  So... feel free to blog on the topic :)

Have a nice day,

Charles Plessy
Tsurumi, Kanagawa, Japan

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