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Re: Maximum term for tech ctte members

On Sat, May 24, 2014 at 01:07:11AM +0200, Stefano Zacchiroli wrote:
> - more generally, I think that all Debian "core" teams (if not *all*
>   teams...) would benefit from a turnover process that requires
>   individual members to reaffirm, on a yearly basis, their continued
>   interest in keeping the role. This is to avoid that people remain on
>   the team simply for inertia, even though they have no more
>   time/interest for the corresponding tasks. It will also help
>   developers in periodically reassessing/retargeting their Debian
>   involvement, reducing the burnout risk.

We totally need this.

I really feel that burnout is huge risk to be taken in account when
volunteering with a community project and if we can minimize that risk,
then we'll have a healthier community.

This idea has been in my mind for a while, and I know from experience
that when you realize that volunteering in some teams is not a life
sentence, then you feel again enthusiasm toward Debian work.
It's pretty difficult, but taking the time to rethink your involvement
can be vital. Not only for the individual, but also for the teams

So to be clear: are you tired of doing Debian work? Do you feel it's
your responsibility and not fun at all, like in the beginning?

1. remember that it's not a life sentence
2. there will be someone else to carry on your work (take that,
3. look around for other team you'd like to work on in Debian
4. well, if you don't find anything, there are other projects beside
Debian that could use a hand


¹ Galadriel: "This task was appointed to you, Frodo of the Shire. And if
you do not find a way, no one will." (no pressure, furry midget. Go and
fix our past mistakes, like letting Sauron create the rings). [Yes, in
the books is Elrond saying this.]
http://blog.zouish.org/nonupdd/#/22  and the next 2-3 slides.
<taffit> when I want something done quickly,
I don't wait for others ;)

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