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Travel reimbursement for BSPs


I was asked if I would consider reimbursing travel and accomodation
costs for participation in Bug Squashing Parties.

Fixing our RC bugs (and generally helping the release team with getting
Jessie in a releasable state) is clearly something that we should all
encourage and get involved with, and Bug Squashing Parties have an
important role for that.

So, I am willing to approve such reimbursement requests, with the
following conditions:
- The requester must already be a Debian contributor (and preferably
  have demonstrated an ability to contribute to this kind of work): I
  don't think that we should extend the sponsorship to people who are not
  yet involved in Debian.
- The requester should agree to communicate about his/her activities
  during the BSP, in a blog post for example: the goal here is too
  increase the visibility of such work and contribute to making it
  everybody's problem. (Note that this point is not a strong
  requirement, but rather something that is nice to do.)
- The max amount reimbursed will be 100 EUR or USD$125 (or equivalent):
  this should be enough to help attend a local/regional BSP -- if there's
  no such event, it might be a sign that one should try to organize such
  an event.
- As usual, this should follow the processes described at

(And now people will be angry at me for not announcing this prior to the
Paris BSP. Sorry!)


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