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Re: RFC - Changing current policy of debian.net entries

Bernd Zeimetz wrote:
> On 06/25/2012 09:46 AM, Thijs Kinkhorst wrote:
>> Take mentors.debian.net, perhaps the most visible debian.net service. How
>> is it relevant to lay users whether or not this service is officially
>> blessed? It works great for all parties involved. Whether or not it's
>> blessed is mostly a project internal issue.
> mentors is a special case here as it might distribute non-distributable
> stuff when people upload buggy packages. So there is no real way to run
> this as official Debian service imho.

And how (whether true or not) does that make any difference to Thijs' 

This message is not meant to feed anything.

Raphael Geissert - Debian Developer
www.debian.org - get.debian.net

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