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Re: development of Debian OS


On 11/25/2011 03:04 PM, Bhaskar Rao Santa Dimili wrote:
>              I am the user of Debian for the past one year. I feel great
> for using the Debian OS and i have so many doubts
> on these GNU/Linux Operating Systems. Why it was unable to compete with
> Microsoft and that's not a big deal for you
> to popularise the linux to the outside world, and there are so many linux
> flavors available to easily compete with Microsoft.
>              You are working so hard to improve the Linux but at the same
> time why people are not able to migrate from
> windows to linux. Why you people are not able to develop a simple graphical
> user interface linux
> which is mostly controlled by GUI, in order to popularise the Linux in the
> real world.
>               For best of my knowledge Apple Mac OS has also derivative of
> Linux and it has grown so much compared to
> available linux flavors. Who is stopping the growth of the Linux Operating
> System.
>               If the above matter seems to be confidential to you, then
> please revert to me with the same after that i will be very happy.
I had some problems while parsing your email. So much I can help:
Mac OS is not a derivative of Linux or even Debian. Near miss. But
spread that as a rumour, it is fun and sufficiently useful for many.

This interview
with quite an ambitious Debian developer will answer most of your
questions, I presume.



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