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Re: How to (not) protect privacy


After another discussion on IRC, I implemented the following:

- the list of (package, hash(email)) is no longer available.

- the list of (package, email) is only available to DDs (you need to use
  the guestdd account, whose password is available on a
  DD-only-accessible host. Contact me privately for more info).

- the CGI still exists, still provides the same information, but now
  uses the guestdd account (it was the only user of the list of
  (package, hash(email))).

That should please the ones who were concerned about providing the list
of (package, hash(email)) to non-DDs.

Of course, the situation regarding the CGI doesn't change, but I was
told by one of the participants of this discussion that "what the CGI
does is very considerate".
| Lucas Nussbaum
| lucas@lucas-nussbaum.net   http://www.lucas-nussbaum.net/ |
| jabber: lucas@nussbaum.fr             GPG: 1024D/023B3F4F |

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