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making more Debian Tartan -- deadline early April

Hi Folks,

As most of you will be aware, Debian has it's own official Tartan
(since DebConf7 -- Edinburgh, Scotland -- it spells DEBIAN in Morse :-)

It occurs to me that some of the USA based developers who are likely to
be contemplating attending a DebConf for the first time this year,
might want to waste a small fortune on buying themselves a Kilt (or
other tartan apparel -- we also made Skirts, Ties, Trousers ...)

There's more details in this mail:


and background about the original Tartan order is at the DebConf Wiki:


The problem with weaving tartan is that it's generally made in multiples
of 80 yards, with a minimum up-front cost of about $2000 USD, so in
order to get the ball rolling we a decent number of people to commit to
buying the resulting cloth.

This is frustrating, as I've been asked repeatedly if we had any cloth
spare since we did the first batch, so clearly demand is significantly
more than was supplied in that instance.

So, if you're interested, and organised enough to sign up now, please
add your details to the table here:


(or if you want to keep your tartan fetish secret, or just want to ask
follow up questions, feel free to mail me).

As at the writing of this mail, we have a total of 42 yards committed
to -- that's almost enough, but the more we order the cheaper it gets.

So, don't hang about -- get your names on that list.

Cheers, Phil.

P.S. I should probably mention again that Kilt's are not cheap -- You
should budget at least 350.00 GBP, plus some more for a sporan (it's
difficult to be definite about the price as it gets cheaper the more
cloth we make, and more expensive the more optional bits you add)
Women's skirts are significantly cheaper -- If you fancy some trousers
like Wouter's you'll need to talk to his Mum about getting them made ;-) 
|)|  Philip Hands [+44 (0)20 8530 9560]    http://www.hands.com/
|-|  HANDS.COM Ltd.                    http://www.uk.debian.org/
|(|  10 Onslow Gardens, South Woodford, London  E18 1NE  ENGLAND

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