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how to install Debian Hurd//como instalar Debian Hurd


hello my name is andres,
I am interested in (install or compile), the operating system Debian Hurd.
I wanted to know if you could send me any link or pdf file
on how to compile or install Debian Hurd
and also some other link to download the iso of the hurd
I tried several times now over the internet and can not find tutorials for installing or compiling Debian Hurd 

Ola soy  Andres , 
estoy interesado en  (instalar o compilar ), el sistema  operativo Debian Hurd.
queria saber si me podrias enviar algun link o fichero pdf  
sobre como compilar o instalar Debian Hurd
y tambien algun otro link para descargarme la iso del sistema hurd
actualmente he  buscado varias veces por internet y no encuentro tutoriales para instalar o compilar Debian Hurd

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