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Re: something related to the soc-ctte

On Sat, Jan 27, 2007 at 10:58:34PM +0200, Kalle Kivimaa wrote:
> Kevin Mark <kevin.mark@verizon.net> writes:
> > myriad flamewars and personal insults. Are they not examples of poor
> > social skills and are they not part of the great memory called the
> > internet? 
> To me, there is a big difference in having various flammable
> discussions, including suggestions to the removal of a persion, in
> various mailing lists, and having a dedicated repository for such an
> information. This may be a thin and arbitary difference, I admit, and
> I'm still thinking about my position on this.
> > If that person resolved the bad interactions, this would be reflected in
> > this post. Resolving social issue is a good thing. And the interaction
> > would contained in this report, not on a list that is usually searched
> > and cached like google.
> Yes, resolving an issue is a good thing. But, let me take a real-life
> example of what would be stored in the BTS/archive: It would contain
> something like two years worth of flammable mails and various
> arbitration attempts between a developer and a team (Sven vs. d-i),
> with no real solution. Now, do you feel that it would be OK to have
> that flame war available to a prospective employer of Sven? At the
> moment a prospective employee would have to wade through loads of
> Internet pages (Google search for "Sven Luther Debian" does not return
> anything negative).

the alternative would be a system where each individual would have to
log in to access a page that contained only their exchanges. With the
possible exception of a superuser like soc-ctte-user and leader. So this
would be a closed system. One of only a few in Debian. 

There is also the possible inclusion of anti-search engine tags so that
the pages would not be searched by compliant spiders.  

hmm. I did google "debian sven luther behavior" and found a few choice
bits including an issue of linux-magazine [0] which hilights Sven and
the social issues of Debian in 2006. "debian sven luther removal" also
has hits. The info is there and the differnce is the ease in getting it.

I'd also really like to believe that a tech company would examine the
technical excellance of a candidate and their positve respective
contributions to any volunteer effort including Debian. 
[0] https://www.linux-magazine.com/issue/68/Free_Software_Projects.pdf 
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