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Re: Fehlende ISO?

On Tuesday 17 May 2005 13.38, inet-register@planet-eigner.de wrote:
> Hallo,
> ich lade mir seit kurzem das Debian Sarge für die Alphaplattform
> herunter. (http://cdimage.debian.org/pub/weekly/alpha/)
> Allerdings kommt nach CD 9 schon CD 11. Wurde die CD 10 vergessen oder
> gibt es sie einfach nicht?

Please write in english.

Do you really need to download the full ISO set?
 - if you want to install a Debian machine which has network connection, 
you're far better off if you download the businesscard or netinst ISO (~30 
or ~100M) and then only download the packages you really need.
 - if you want to install several Debian machines, I recommend installing 
the first machine from businesscard ISO and only a minimal package set, 
then looking at the 'apt-proxy' or 'apt-cacher' packages to use that first 
Debian machine as a local mirror for installing the other machines.
 - even if you really want to install machiens which have no network access, 
you'll usually only need the first ISO and a few additional packages.  
There are tools like apt-zip that can be used to later easily determine 
which packages to get.

(Ok, but by now you probably already have your ISO images - but I'd still 
advise to switch to direct downloading of updated packages.  Repeatedly 
downloading CD weekly images or so would *really* be a waste of bandwidth.  
If you want to get updated CD images, have a look at jigdo.)

-- vbi

Beware of the FUD - know your enemies. This week
    * The Alexis de Toqueville Institue *

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