Re: Proposed transition plan for non-free and call for help
(Moving this to -project and CCing you, as I doubt your subscribed
On Tue, Mar 09, 2004 at 03:03:36PM +0100, Sven Luther wrote:
> > 2. The proposed implementation for
> >
> > Basically, there are two possibilities, a) using a GForge service and b)
> > reproducing the services, but in a less complex way, where
> > possible.
> I would vote for b), since it would cause the less difference of use
> over the current system.
This indeed seems to be the more realistical approach right now.
> > B. Reproducing the services. What is mostly needed are the
> > Debian archive itself, the BTS, mailing-lists and the PTS.
> >
> > a) The archive. This has been taken care of already, as Daniel Stone's
> > box already features a katie installation.
> No mirror though, what about backups ?
There's no need to worry about mirrors if you haven't even started with
the basics yet. I'm quite confident that we'll find a couple of mirrors,
though. After all, quite some debian mirrors carry non-free, to my
Nevertheless, if interested people with mirroring capacities are reading
this, please let me know.
> Not everyone has personal backups, and i at least somewhat was relying
> on the archive to store the packages, especially at times of limited
> disk space (like when trying to build X :).
Let's just hope that we don't move X to non-free, ok? ;)
That said, we could need some more storage. If anybody living near
Melbourne could donate harddisks, this would be higly appreciated.
> > c) The Package Tracking System. I talked to Raphael Hertzog about this
> > a while ago. The code for the PTS is available and he told me that
> > it should be possible to adopt it for something like
> > within an acceptable time frame. I'm not quite sure how hard it will
> > be to transfer the current subscribers to non-free packages.
> Still, no more single per maintainer page where both non-free, contrib
> and main packages are visible, i guess :(
'Wo gehobelt wird, da fallen Spaene'. Means, if you do bold moves,
you'll suffer some rather small losses. I am sorry about this, of
> BTW, what about contrib ? Will it move to non-free or stay in debian ?
I don't have a big opinion on this.
> > One problem with the transition that has been identified is the
> > reassignment of bugs from non-free packages back to main packages. The
> > easy solution here would be to just open a new bug on the main package,
> > with the full bug log from attached. Maybe a better
> > solution can be hashed out in the future, if this case proves to be
> > quite common.
> Ok. I don't think this is only a transition problem though, but will
> also be felt later on.
We're desperatly trying to get real figures here. I'll post them once
they are available.
Michael Banck
Debian Developer
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