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I just want to congratulate you on making old versions of Debian Linux available.  It is one of my goals, as a software engineer in the making, to promote using (or re-using) old computers.  If an old Intel 386 can do the job, why throw it in the landfills and poison our drinking water?
Furthermore, if students and grade or high-schools can pay less than a few hundred dollars for a whole network that will do the same job, why pay a hundred thousand dollars for the latest Intel-Microsoft hype? If humanity is headed towards 'informatization', then this trend should not increase the divides between the rich and the poor, the healthy and the sick - it should remove them.
I am presently testing 'potato' on an intel 486, 60 Mhz with 20 meg RAM and 520 meg Hard Drive.  My aim is to make it office-serving and desireable to musicians.
Thanks for the service!
Robin Tropper
B.Mus.(McGill), B.Ed.(U.Ottawa), B.Sc.A. en cours(ibid)
Enseignement des langues, technologie informatique, conception web.

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