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Re: Best Packaging Practices - collecting ideas (and texts!)

On Sat, May 11, 2002 at 06:55:21PM +0200, Raphael Hertzog wrote:
> Le Sat, May 11, 2002 at 04:52:50PM +0200, Ola Lundqvist écrivait:
> > * Handling multiple binary packages (and let debhelper do most of the
> >   job).
> I guess it's tightly related to the multiple configure-make cycles
> proposition ...

Not always (as mentioned in an earlier mail).

> > * Naming conventions for debhelper (probably new maintainers part).

This is actually just a summary of what all the dh_foo can do and
that you name their control files as packagename.footype. Also what
just footype means (it is not obvious).

It is actually quite related to the multiple binary package
handling and maybe it should be in that section.

Example text:

"The debhelper (dh_*) scripts help you do common tasks automaticly
or with little help from the package maintainer. Some of them need
configuration and the debhelper configuration file naming convetions
is as packagename.conftype. You can also name it as just conftype
wich is then applied to all binary packages in the control file.

For the exact syntax of the debhelper control file see the
dh_* manpage.

Here follows a list of conftypes:
 * dirs (dh_installdirs)
 * docs (dh_installdocs)
 * changelog (dh_installchangelogs)
 * menu (dh_installmenu)
 ... etc ...

I have seen a lot of this kind of questions in the mentors
list and I personaly found it hard to get this structure.

Actually I'm not sure if the "just conftype" file is applied
only to the first or to all binary packages.

A good package practice is to use packagename.conftype when
it should be applied to just that package and conftype when
applied to all (or is it just the first?).

This helps a lot when splitting a package.


// Ola

> What do you mean exactly ?

I hope this was a good answer on your question here. :)

> Cheers,
> -- 
> Raphaël Hertzog -+- http://strasbourg.linuxfr.org/~raphael/
> Formation Linux et logiciel libre : http://www.logidee.com
> -- 
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