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Re: Debian as a social group and how to develop it better

On Monday 2002 December 02 02:50, Martin Schulze wrote:
> > I just tried to find SONAME using man.  How can I find out what this is?
> > Will the LSB eliminate this?  What about the new UnitedLinux
> > distribution.
> man ld
Thank you!!!!
> Because the distribution uses different libraries and stuff.
That's what I am complaining about.  Stop using different libraries.  This 
wouldn't even be possible if no one changed the packages for theirs own 
purposes.  The packages shouldn't be changed, the distributions should be 
uniformly standardized to run the same libraries.
> > point.  If you are using the packages as they come from the supplier,
> > everyone would have the same packages with the same dependencies.  Here
> > again
> No, then everybody would end up having to compile everything on their
> own.
Why (if everything is the same), would anyone have to recomplie for binaries, 
if the binaries were made once by the packagers and remained in their 
original condition?

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