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Guys, I will not be translating this entirely because it really is not worth
it. It was not demeaning, or insulting... it just lacked a lot of clue.

On Tue, 16 Apr 2002, Missao Tanizaki wrote:
> Adquiri a um certo tempo uma revista acompanhado de um CD, onde seu conteúdo
> principal é o sistema operacional do Linux/Debiam.

I have bought one magazine, and its main contents are a Debian CD.

> Adquiri a revista porque o sistema operacional disponibilizado pode ser
> rodado diretamente do CD, sem a necessidade de sua instalação no disco
> rígido.

Said CD can be run directly, without installing the programs to the HD.
T.N: This was probably a demolinux CD

> Isso é muito importante porque permite aos usuários inexperientes realizarem
> seus testes iniciais sem correr o risco de comprometer a instalação de seu
> sistema operacional pré-instalado.

That CD is a Cool Thing. We are afraid of hosing our systems, and one that
doesn't touch the HD is a winner.

> O Software do CD que adquiri apresenta um problema - é um software DEMO.

But said CD had a problem: it was a demo CD.
N.T.: hint: it was probably a demolinux CD :P

And he goes on about how that was a pity, etc.  He wants a run-from-CD
system that isn't a Demo...

I will kindly explain to him that someone pulled his leg, and to try out our
real CD sometime :)  I don't have the heart to tell him 'demolinux' isn't a
demo at all...

  "One disk to rule them all, One disk to find them. One disk to bring
  them all and in the darkness grind them. In the Land of Redmond
  where the shadows lie." -- The Silicon Valley Tarot
  Henrique Holschuh

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