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Re: A medical debian based project

On Thu, 28 Feb 2002, Renato BARRIOS wrote:

> I am involved in a medical and health informatical project with
> freesoftware
> and an XML oriented conception. The aim of this idea is to offer high
> quality and economically available software to contribute to health
> networks
> development, specially in unfavorized regions.
> Please see
> http://ovnibus.free.fr
We know about your project which is listed at


and could be a part of Debian-Med.
I invite you to help discussing free medical software issues at the
Debian-Med mailing list (http://auric.debian.org/~tille/debian-med
gives an introduction how to subscribe).  Moreover you might consider
to include your project into Debian.

> We have used some pages of your site because it is just we need to work.
> Project respects freesofware philosophy and we would want to know if we
> can use this information or if we have to modify things.
I can't imagine that any secrets are at the Debian pages which you can't
use.  Perhaps a link to relevant bits might be fair.

Kind regards


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