Re: Reiserfs and Debian
On Sun, Aug 19, 2001 at 08:40:04PM +0200, J.H.M. Dassen (Ray) wrote:
> On Sun, Aug 19, 2001 at 13:35:27 -0500, Jeffrey Kornuta wrote:
> > is it possible to use the Reiserfs file system on Debian potato?
> Yes, though it may not particularly easy to set up.
> One way to do it is to install a minimal potato system on a small partition
> (which you can later reuse as the swap partition), connect that to the net,
> update with the packages from
> (including reiserfstools), build a 2.4 kernel for it, boot that, then
> mkreiserfs the regular partition(s) and clone the system onto that (using
> cpio, tar or cp), then change its fstab and reconfigure your bootloader.
> Another way is to get a set of potato bootfloppies modified to support an
> install onto reiserfs partitions; see
> HTH,
> Ray
An easier method is to do what I've just done which is to upgrade to 2.4.9 (which
doesn't build properly anyway - try compiling your own gcc if the compile dies),
and then use ext3.
(Of course remember to patch your kernel source first with the patches at before compiling).
Then, simply do a tune2fs -j /dev/hdXX and update /etc/fstab to ext3 and then
remount. Suddenly an ext2 filesystem has become ext3! Wonderful!
Matthew Sackman
Using Debian/GNU Linux
Enjoying computing
It said 'Required Windows XP or better.'
So I installed Linux.
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