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Debian wins "Most Deserving of $2000 Award" from /.

I don't think this has been posted before, so:

Slashdot's 2000 Beanie Awards have been announced, and Debian received
the "Most Deserving of $2000 Award" (this is the actual name of the
award).  Free link:


In related news, the FSF also recieved a nice chunk of change ($5k or
$10k, IIRC), and, as expected, Jeff Bates won the Hemos Award
(presumably some LNUX stock plus some cash ;-).

|         Chris Lawrence          |       Get Debian GNU/Linux CDROMs       |
|    <quango@watervalley.net>     |      http://www.lordsutch.com/cds/      |
|                                 |                                         |
|        Debian Developer         |         Your site belongs here.         |
|     http://www.debian.org/      |     [Commercialize your sig today!]     |

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