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ghostscript Some Russian letters disappear in PDF (bug 705476)


Please add a bug fix to ghostscript for debian 11 (ghostscript version 9.53.3~dfsg-7+deb11u2).
Only 1 file needs to be corrected: devices/gxfcopy.c

Ghostscript developers confirmed the error and changed the devices/gxfcopy.c file

I tried to download the source code from their website and compile and check Yes with the new gs error does not appear. Only the new gs does not have a cups device (-sDEVICE=cups),
so it does not work with some printers.
Please release the ghostscript 9.53.3~dfsg-7+deb11u2 update with this devices/gxfcopy.c file in mind


С уважением, Питерцев Эдуард Николаевич
8(8202) 20-20-35, вн.273

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